Why offer Parentropolis courses for employees who are parents?

Company benefits:

We recognise the difficulties employees who are parents have in finding work-life balance and offer solutions to encourage their engagement and well-being.

Support your employees' AUTONOMY to exceed company goals by addressing a basic need of your employees.

Increased employee self-determination (strongest intrinsic motivator)

Increased competence as a parent leads to increased competence in work tasks

Increased job satisfaction and engagement (results are perceived as a result of their own inherent ability)

Increases employee flexibility as a result of alignment with shared values and goals

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A recent study made by Harvard Business Review shows that 59% of respondents said autonomy is most important to them.

The fundamental catalyst for human success and fulfillment is SELF-DETERMINATION, a person's AUTONOMOUS motivation for personal and psychological development.

Parentropolis experts

Parentropolis specialists can create new courses according to your company's specific needs and offer 1-on-1 counselling sessions.

laura ion

Laura Ion

Trainer, Personal and Vocational Development Counsellor, Online Safety for Children Specialist

ruxandra vasile

Ruxandra Vasile

Instructor Certificat Hand in Hand Parenting

ami ciuhuta

Anamaria Ciuhuță

Financial Expert, Trainer, Speaker, TV Show Producer, Founder of Financial Parenting

laura stefania dima

Laura Ștefania Dima

Psychotherapist trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Schema Therapy

maria duduman

Maria Duduman

Coach, Trainer, Founder of the Do Good!

ivona munteanu

Ivona Munteanu

Teacher of Romanian language and literature, moderator of the Fanbook reading club

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Available courses

Corporate courses and workshops can be held on request on-site or online.

Together we create packages that can contain:

Digital parenting courses:
  • Balanced screen time
  • How to keep child safe online
  • Cyberbullying
  • Building online resilience
  • Digital Literacy 
Financial education courses for parents
  • Financial education starts at home
Civic education courses for parents
  • Teach your child to do well
Parenting courses
  • Managing your child's emotions
  • Working at home with children
  • Connecting with your child
  • How we raise resilient children
  • Limits that children respect
  • Play reading
  • Child brain development
  • Child's needs by age group
  • The role of the parent's self-knowledge
  • How attachment is formed.

Contact the Parentropolis team or fill in the form

contact parentropolis

 Feedback from parents who participated in Parentropolis courses and webinars


"Mi-a plăcut mult. A fost o trecere în revistă a tehnicilor pe care le știu și le aplic, chiar dacă nu mereu. Mi-a plăcut mult că poți să ai timp special de calitate și cu adolescenții. Mulțumesc. Aș recomanda să vină la acest webinar dacă se mai ține."


"Unele aspecte menționate le știam și mi-au fost validate (timp special, conectare), dar am aflat și lucruri noi. Pentru mine acest webinar este foarte util. Mulțumesc!"


"Informațiile au fost interesante, de un real folos. Mulțumesc organizatorilor. Clipurile video, kids safe."


"Informații valoroase și bune practici pe care abia aștept să le pun în practică."


"A fost o experiență interesantă cu însușire de noi cunoștințe privind aplicațiile potrivite pentru copii (preșcolari)."


"A fost o sesiune online educativă și constructivă, bazată pe discuții, dezbateri susținute prin elemente audio și video, oferindu-mi oportunitatea unei participări directe, ca și cum aș fi fost prezentă în cadrul evenimentului."
